About Us

Advance Supply Chain Training Centre – specialises in providing procurement and logistics qualifications and competency based learning. Held throughout the year, these specialized and industry-focused courses equip participants with the competencies required to better manage their organisations.

We are the approved centre of Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply, UK. We provide training leading to qualifications from these well recognised brand names. The qualifications are offered both on classroom and blended learning mode. In addition, we produce high quality practice test kits/guides for the students who are taking the OR and CR exams of CIPS. Get Ahead of the Competition. Be the Best.

We have developed a solid reputation as a Centre of Excellence in Supply Chain Training in providing high impact courses that has benefitted a large number of participants from private, public and government sector. Over the past two decades of our existence, we have worked closely with our clients in designing, setting up & implementing procurement & supply chain frameworks and competencies.

For more information, please visit us at https://www.advancescs.com